Reincarnated into a mystical world, the protagonist finds himself as the master of a young girl destined to become a fearsome and tyrannical Empress.
With a stubborn system insisting he plays the role of a despicable villain, he’s determined to defy fate and protect his disciple from a dark future.
Once a victim of cruelty, the disciple begins to see her master in a new light. His newfound strength and unexpected kindness chip away at her defenses,
sparking emotions she never thought possible.
Su Changge: “This system is crazy! I refuse to be the villain!”
System: “Villainy is in your blood. Embrace it!”
Feng Wanqing: “What do I do if I’ve fallen for my master? I want to have the sweetest, most earth-shattering romance with him!”
My Empress Disciple’s Descent into Darkness
Synopsis My Empress Disciple’s Descent into Darkness
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